Is this all?
There is a drawback in the view of the previous page. When the source of gravitation suddenly would disappear, acquired displacement would remain but further displacement would stop; there would be no remaining velocity. The pace of Higgs field absorption by the particles of the Earth, is assumed to be constant over time. So the pace at which holes are formed in the vacuum that the Earth occupies, remains the same. The subsequent displacements tend to be the same, resulting in a constant displacement velocity. Acceleration would appear only when approaching (or receding from) the gravitational source makes you to enter regions of larger (smaller) displacements.
The presented view so far still does account for the three mentioned effects at the end of the previous page, but it would do so only for the first moments of gravitational action. At the region of the Earth surface gravitational acceleration is a = 9.81 m/s, rounded to 10 m/s
at the Earth surface. When time elapses, 5 meter of vacuum sinks through the Earth surface into the Earth in the first second, dragging along with it all matter floating in it. In the 2nd second another 5 meter passes the Earth surface, displacing all matter another 5 meter. A 3rd second gives a 3rd displacement of 5 meter. Total displacement 15 meters in 3 seconds. And so on. This is the picture of a free fall according to description so far.
If this was all, observed facts would not be met. Observed is, when initial at rest at e.g. 100 m above the Earth surface, the gravitational field causes a displacement of 5 meter in the first second, 15 meters in the 2nd second and 25 meters in the 3rd second, total displacement 45 m in 3 sec (s = a * t / 2 = 10 / 2 * t
). When gravitation suddenly disappears, acquired velocity remains: 10 m/s at the end of the first second, 20 at the end of the 2nd and 30 m/s at the end of the 3rd second. This is what we actually measure, when observing a free fall on Earth.
An experiment that is said Galileo Galilei has done, is that he carefully studied the flight of butterflies in the sealed cabin of a ship sailing at top speed. From the butterfly flights he noticed no clues whatsoever to what the motion of the ship would be. With respect to gravitation we correspondingly state that this cabin with butterflies, when free falling to the Earth surface, is dragged by the vacuum that is falling into the Earth, and that all velocities inside the cabin are also dragged by unaltered. I call this a velocity can be put in a box
Let's start over again. One vacuum marble in the Earth had disappeared - a state transition from all possible Higgs fields - all unobserved - to one specific Higgs field with a hole in it. A shell of missing vacuum starts to propagate through space from the hole spherically to the outside. 100 km above the Earth (just at the other side of the atmosphere) there is a particle with mass m, call it m1. As soon as the missing vacuum shell has reached m1 it causes a displacement d1, m1 displaces over d1 toward the Earth. We immediately interprete this displacement as a velocity (*). There is one Higgs field H1 that moves with precisely this velocity, without having its source in disappearing marbles. With respect to H1 m1 is standing still. Now it is H1 that moves with the mentioned velocity with respect to us. We converted the inward displacement, caused by the outward propagating shell of missing vacuum, into the velocity of the appropriate Higgs field.
(*) To understand this velocity one imagine e.g. 100 subsequent Higgs field absorptions had taken place, leading to 100 holes and their 100 subsequent vacuum displacement shells. The velocity is the total distance of the 100 displacements divided by the stretch of time in which the 100 subsequent Higgs field absorptions had taken place. It is NOT the velocity with which the shell of missing vacuum propagates through space.
Like the butterflies in the sealed cabin we put H1 in a sufficient large box b1 that is standing still relative to us. Within b1 is H1 moving relative to b1 (and to us). Then a second vacuum marble in the Earth disappears, creating another hole in the vacuum. Vacuum start to fall in the hole and as soon as this second displacement d2 has reached b1, we immediately interprete this as a velocity of b1. There is one Higgs field H2 with respect to which b1 is standing still. H2 moves with respect to us.
Now we put a second box b2 around b1. b2 is standing still relative to us, b1 is moving inside b2. Then we remove the first box b1 (only b1, not the content of b1). In b2 there is H2, with respect to which H1 is moving, with respect to which m1 is standing still. We did replace boxes that are moving relative to each other by Higgs fields moving relative to each other.
Then a third vacuum marble in the Earth disappears and when the caused displacement reaches b2, that box will be dragged by, which is interpreted as a velocity. There is a Higgs field H3 relative to which b2 is standing still. A third box b3 is raised around b2 and then b2 is removed (again only b2, not the content). In b3 (standing still relative to us) is H3 that moves as a result of the third displacement. Relative to H3 moves H2, the Higgs field which velocity is the result of the second displacement. And relative to H2 moves H1, the Higgs field which velocity is the result of the first displacement. In doing so the velocity of the massive particle m1 increases proportional with time: a constant acceleration.
Velocities can be put in a box. Every time something has build up a velocity with respect to the Earth, we imagine a new standing still box (in this case standing still relative to the Earth) being put around that something, and in the course of the gravitational act we observe how the new box is dragged by, causing a velocity that is added to present velocities in the box. In this way the things inside the box (inside a box (inside a box (and so on))) build up an increasing velocity, a constant acceleration.
Every time the hole-wave has passed by the environment of m1 and rearrangement of vacuum marbles in the masses and subsequently in the vacuum around them, has been completed, the superposition of all possible Higgs fields is restored again, all its fields neatly filled. Those undisturbed Higgs fields (only differing a velocity) are all uncurved.
It is the absorption from the Higgs field that distorts flat spacetime. The act of gravity restores to flat space, Minkowski space. In the next page is described how GR is still valid, despite that the background grid remains uncurved.
- Newton’s law of gravitation is the simplest solution for a 2-mass system.
- Time dilates in strong gravitational fields, causing slower reactions and lesser vacuum marble absorptions and thus weaker field.
- At page 5 of NET FORCE IN QED is explained how photons have no net absorption from the Higgs field and thus don't gravitate. This is a difference with GR.
In paragraph The gravitational field and the expansional field at page 2 of THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE is proposed how in backward time evolving vacuum the particles emit towards the Higgs field, instead of absorbing from the Higgs field, in precisely the same way as the act of gravity works. That paragraph starts with a kind of video showing the mechanism of gravity described in this paragraph.
- Couplings in material content in a box cause sagging-in shells around it to reach outside the box and betray the content to outside observers. More about that in page 4 of the storyline THE COLLAPSE OF THE WAVEFUNCTION and at page 6 of the storyline THE DIRECTION OF TIME.