The sea of possibilities
A film play in reversed time direction
This storyline is about the
two directions of time: forward and backward.
Event A := Event B
means Event A becomes Event B by means of time reversal
. In this site by time reversed
we mean: the film of the event being played backwards. The 3 dimensional film of the event we mean, which includes all other events shown to surround it in the film. The event before the := always can exist physically with a reasonable chance of occurrence. If the reversed event after the := cannot exist or is very unlikely, the event is indicated by an arrow.
In this page and page 2 and 3 of this storyline we start out with several worked out examples and then sometimes jump to conclusions
, some of which are reconsidered elsewhere. See the rest of the FORWARD BACKWARD TIME DIRECTION storyline, and e.g. page 2 of THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE.
1) A positive and a negative electrically charged particle of identical mass move apart from each other, slow each other down, stop at a certain maximum distance from each other, and then start to accelerate towards each other. Stop film before collision.
Precisely the same course of events. The attraction between the particles is time symmetric. No time arrow.
Electrically attracting particles := electrically attracting particles.
Two negative electrically charged particles of identical mass move towards each other, slow each other down, stop at a certain minimum distance from each other, and then start to accelerate away from each other. Stop film after a reasonable elapse of time.
Precisely the same course of events. The repulsion between the particles is time symmetric. No time arrow.
Electrically repelling particles := electrically repelling particles.
2) Start with a well-mixed cloud of positive and negative electric charges in equal amounts, the charges otherwise being equal. The remnant electric force shows always attracting behavior, the charges in the cloud with respect to each other, as well as the cloud as a whole to positive and negative charges outside. See the storyline ELECTRIC NET FORCE IN REAL MATTER, page 1. No time arrow.
Attracting remnant electric force := attractive remnant electric force.
3) 1 and 2: Above the earth’s surface a ball starts to fall under the force of gravity. It falls faster and still faster. When time is reversed the ball starts with upward speed, but then goes slower and slower as if an attractive force slows it down. *)
1 :=
*) One could wonder whether :=
not only reverses course of events in time, but also yields the accompanying proper effects from SR (special relativity). A justification of that is at paragraph SR and time reversal at page 8 of the storyline SR.
3: Track ideal bouncing ball on the moon remains bound to the moon’s surface, in forward time as well in reversed time version.
4: Orbiting := orbiting
Attracting gravity := attractive gravity.
No time arrow apparent.
4) Centrifugal force := centrifugal force. No time arrow.
However, compare The sink drain at page 2 of THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE.
5) The electromagnetic coupling, keystone of physics of electric charges, remains a coupling when reversed in time. No time arrow.
photon := photon
(spin swaps)
Another way to state the CPT theorem (at page 4 of QQD) is that, when you reverse time, you also shall reverse electric charge (the particle becomes an antiparticle and vice versa) and parity (hence the spin swap). So when applying the CPT theorem one gets:
+ electric charge := - electric charge
- electric charge := + electric charge
6a) The color coupling in colorshift QCD
As you see, we assumed
Also the spins will swap, from +1/2 to -1/2, from -1 to +1, etc.
6b) In quaternions the colors of the quarks and gluons are replaced by quaternion units like i = and -i =
, see page 1 of the QQD storyline.
Mark that according to the gluon table the gluons as well as
are replaced by the color
k. Mark we had to RIGHT MULTIPLY the quark by the gluon: Q * GL, see page 2 of QQD. It turns out that absorbing k has the time reversed effect from emitting k, and vice versa. At page 4 of QQD is concluded the time reversing sign
turns out to be the factor -1. So
-i :=
-j :=
-k :=
We conclude to no time arrow.
Later, when more accustomed to the quaternion approach, you can also see (26) in paragraph The calculation of the time border
at page 2 of THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE and paragraph Building vacuum from gluons
at page 2 of QG (QUATERNION GRAVITATION that is), especially around (2.13).