Chapter 2
The Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

The formulation of gravitation in chapter 1 allows to describe its backward time evolving behavior, that is presented as a candidate for the Dark Energy. The notion that antimatter is going backward in time is not new. Especially Feynman and Wheeler have pointed this out and did a great effort to implement it in physics. However, without a proper theory of gravitation this is virtually impossible.

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Page 21

The light from a star that goes backward in time is looked at better.

Page 22

The process of gravitation in backward time direction. Calculation of the time border, that separates forward time areas from areas of backward time evolving. When two masses are not equal the time border is a sphere.

Behind the black bar: Why the sink drain cannot be reversed in time with satisfaction? A mass and an antimatter mass of same magnitude don't influence each others paths. Yet to work out: what when a bouncing ball bounces between a mass and an antimass.

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When a particle absorbs from the Higgs field and its antiparticle emits toward the Higgs field, then the particle and the antiparticle can coincide massless. Treated at this page is the electron and the positron coinciding massless and in doing so forming the photon. Running ahead of the storyline: the color of the photon. The net color of the photon is zero.
