The abstract of the whole TONE storyline is at TONE abstract.
To start with, we are going to fill in the vacuum marbles that perform the act of gravitation with pairs of spin 1 gluons. Why gluons? The gluon is a well-known particle, we don't have to introduce a new particle. And it is the strongest and fastest reacting particle (highest number of reactions per second). Mind we are building spacetime, the grid to which all events are attached. If the particle making up the grid, was a weaker and slower reacting particle then the fastest reacting particles most of the time would have no spacetime background and at the sparse moments they had, the strongest particles as they are, would tend to rip the background apart, which is not observed.
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The vacuum marbles can be filled in with gluon pairs (hadronic vacuum), with spin 0 photons (leptonic vacuum) or with spin 0 neutrinophotons (neutrinophotonic vacuum).
The vacuum made of colored gluon pairs is ( i -i ), ( j -j ), ( k -k ), ( 1 1 )
The backward time evolving vacuum then is ( i -i ), ( j -j ), ( k -k ), ( -1 -1 )
The secret of time is in the hadronic vacuum.
Dark multiplication rules:
-1 * -1 = 1 * 1 = -1
-1 * 1 = 1 * -1 = 1
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The quaternion approach of the Higgs mechanism.
gl gl
+ gl
(two vacuum particles) -->
gl gl
+ gl
(two Higgs particles) -->
2 empty spots (when the 2 Higgs particles are absorbed to give mass to a particle) -->
The act of gravitation (when the two empty spots are filled in by streaming of vacuum particles from the outside).
The Higgs mechanism for the 3rd generation not only provides mass but might also form (the main part of) the attraction between the quarks of the 3rd generation:
i * j | ||
= i * 1 * j | ||
= i * -k * k * j | ||
= i * -k * j * -k | or likewise | = i * k * j * k |
= j * -i | = -j * i |
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With 4 quarks in the shell of a real particle (the shell from renormalization theory) one can form all colored gluons. Interaction time turns out to be about 10^-24 s.
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The electron described as a kind of quark color. When particles absorb mass from the Higgs field and antiparticles emit to the Higgs field, a neutrinophoton can consist of a neutrino and its antineutrino massless coinciding. The color of the W particle, the color of the neutrino and the neutrinophoton.
Filling in the vacuum marbles with spin 0 neutrinophotons and with spin 0 photons yield the 1rst and 2nd Higgs field respectively.
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The three generations. All particles have color. All particles can couple with each other, but only a few do actually glue. There is no objecting reaction/coupling - and thus no objection - to the view of every elementary particle of the Standard Model having a color.
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The Big Bang is a fermion explosion of identical quarks. The fermion explosion of the vacuum particles turns out to be the field of all possible velocities. Constructing one of the Higgs fields and a first glimpse of the spin asymmetry in the weak force. The Big Bang of matter and antimatter is in the first 10^-23 sec driven by fermion explosions and after that by condensation heat of quarks and antiquarks recombining to baryons and antibaryons.