This is the abstract of TONE


Space is build up from vacuum particles. The vacuum, the gravitational field and the Higgs field are treated as one single field, most often called the Higgs field. Shown is that one absorption from the Higgs field curves spacetime a tiny little and the act of gravitation curves it back to zero curvature. The unification of GR (General Relativity) with QM (Quantum Mechanics) is that GR is completely valid while the background grid relative to which QM works, remains flat. The mutual distance of two neighboring vacuum particles is calculated between 10^-20 and 10^-21 meters.

The vacuum itself has a time arrow. Space consists of areas of forward elapse of time and backward time evolving areas, separated by a time border. The time border is calculated to be a sphere with the source mass off-center in it. Matter goes forward in time and antimatter goes backward in time. In the dark regions - most probably the voids between the galaxy clusters - there must be backward time evolving dark antimatter galaxies that are the source of the Dark Energy, the energy that accelerates the expansion of the universe.

The colors of the strong nuclear force are set equal to the quaternion units i, j, k, 1, -i, -j, -k, -1, where i, j, k, -i, -j, -k are the gluing colors, while 1 and -1 are colorless colors that don't glue. Each products of two Pauli matrices equals a quaternion unit matrix. The Dark Matter, the matter that keeps the too fast stars in the outer rims of galaxies in orbit and that keeps the galaxies into their clusters, is proposed as consisting of glueballs, gluons with color -1, the only gluon that has mass.

When particles couple, merge to a merger particle, the colors (quaternion units) of the particles must be multiplied. When the particles stay together (they form a composite but do not merge, like the quarks in the proton and the neutron) their colors sum up. Quarks and antileptons have color and antiquarks as well as leptons have anticolor.

The electron e- is a colorless quark of color -1 and is the antiparticle, while the positron e+ has color +1 and is the particle. The photon consists of an e+ that emits towards the Higgs field and an e- that absorbs from the Higgs field, resulting in no net Higgs field absorption and thus no mass. Likewise the gluon consists of two colored quarks. The neutrinophoton is conjectured, consisting of a neutrino and an antineutrino. The 1rst generation absorbs from the spin 0 neutrinophoton Higgs field, the 2nd generation from the spin 0 photon field, and the 3rd generation absorbs its mass from the Higgs field consisting of spin 0 gluon pairs.

TONE is finished now, it has reached its final shape. Everything - nearly everything - is in it now. Gravitation, the structure of the vacuum, the accelerated expansion of the universe, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. All elementary particles of the Standard Model fit in the nuclear-colors-as-quaternion-units system and every possible place in the colors-as-quaternions system is filled in with one particle of the Standard Model. The quark is the only fundamental particle. The three generations are caused by three different Higgs fields.

Finally, in my Big Bang theory the source of the vacuum particles is determined as an identical-fermion explosion that also constitutes the field of all possible velocities. The source of the matter and antimatter in the universe is supposed to origin as clouds of sole quarks and clouds of sole antiquarks, in fermion explosion too during the first 10^-23 sec. Subsequently quark condensation, the recombination of those sole quarks and antiquarks into baryons and antibaryons, is responsible for the heat of the Big Bang.

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