Don't you remember

The memory

We don't know how memory works at cell level. Nowadays investigation only indicates brain cell connections play a mayor role. Are there memory molecules drifting IN the cell? Or as a protein shell around the so called junk DNA? Or around the axons, in the myelin sheath? Or in some membranes? In how far does the precise location of the synapses in the dendrite play a role in storing a memory?

Let's suppose the copying process works for the memory. Then it will be possible to copy all the knowledge one learns in 10 up to 20 school years in just one single copying process. But I guess one usually will copy knowledge only part by part in the course of the years. A lot will be copied only when needed.

The necessary skills for any job can be copied in the same amount of time. One outstanding skill is the brain part copying procedure itself.

Languages will be learned without effort. One language is chosen to be spoken all over Earth. While everywhere a few mother languages will be kept alive too, of course.

How intricate the incoming signal in the neuron cell body may be, with precise synapse spots and so on, for the outgoing signal the neuron has only one choice: to fire its axon or not. Maybe the time of the pulse (frequency) through the axon plays a role as well as its strength (amplitude) and the precise shape of the signal.

With the recall of one specific memory corresponds, at a certain moment, one specific pattern of axon firings in the involved cells. When, incited by a computer outside, the nanorobots in those cells let the axon fire in such a way that it mimics this pattern, the memory would be recalled precisely as in the natural way. This procedure can connect the brain to memories of other persons. In principle it can be used for the connection of any of your brain parts with any brain part outside. A kind of telepathy. The procedure can connect you to knowledge in large outside libraries. These are memory cell libraries, storing knowledge in the same format as is naturally done in your brain. (I have red so much scientific articles and since I have red them I should have their knowledge available at will. But this is not the case. I don't remember the articles properly and only when re-reading the articles themselves, I recognize.) The procedure can also connect the human brain to machines, although precautions for e.g. overload must be implemented. It can connect you with the mind of your better self, see page 6 of this storyline.

New organs

Nanorobots will put genes of desired properties in our genome. They will repair the genome and the repaired cells will be replicated. Especially the gametes, the germ cells. And especially the stem cells.

But the genes lie deep, organisms often will have to mature before you can decide if you've got what you want. There are genes for language, but not for English. We still have to learn about the Civil Code, Chinese, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Genetics will be used in cooperation with the brain part copying process.

When the nanorobots can enter a human cell without disturbing its function, they set for copying organs. New organs made of repaired and supplemented cells. One could replace an ill organ by copying each organ cell onto itself, replacing each ill cell by a fresh and healthy one, but this is very laborious. Maybe useful for small organs. Usually nanorobots will enter some stem cells for the desired organ (one nanorobot per stem cell), repair and adjust the DNA and replicate them. The stem cells are directed to the proper place where the organ starts to grow. Where necessary the nanorobots guide the DNA expression of each stem cell. New cells get new nanorobots. When the new organ is ready, the connection with other organs must be made. Blood vessels, muscular tissue, bone, nerves, axons. Where necessary there will be nanorobots in the old tissue cells that have to connect to the new cells. It very well may be the organ replication will be achieved well before the brain part copying procedure works.

And physical skills? Sport skills, musical skills and a lot of other labor are often a combination of the muscle coordination brain part AND the muscle neurons with their lang axons AND the muscles themselves, their number, precise shape, relative location. It does not suffice to only copy the muscle brain, one also has to copy the muscle neurons and the muscles themselves. Copying muscles can be done in the same way as brain is copied: look for fitting stem cells, adjust its DNA, replicate them, provide each cell with one nanorobot and guide the cells towards the spot the muscles have to grow and finally direct each individual muscle cell where to attach to. Or maybe the entire muscle mass can be regarded as an organ, following organ copying procedure. We shall see.

When the brain part copying procedure works, one can replace each brain part by a copy of itself, each cell replaced by a fresh new copy with repaired DNA and all. And what if you do this with ALL the cells of your body? You will live longer. You can make copies of yourself, no robot-copies but living tissue copies, clones. If you die, you (some of the other you's) can rebuild yourself. You will live forever, if you like. These are large tasks requiring advanced control over the human cell copying procedure.

When you can grow in main parts of your brain in the body of animals, will you feel how it is to be a bear, a dolphin, a condor, a tiger? To be fair, meant is to let grow in a human brain structure made of condor cells in the condor. Condor neurons might be different from human neurons and the human structure might be able to grow in but subsequently fails to operate properly. Besides, the weight of the grown-in brain may not exceed that of a normal condor brain. So most probably this will not work. One has to wait until the Open end axons and transmitter boxes are available, then one can connect oneself with a condor brain, probably without the condor noticing too much of it. Until you take over body movements coordination, of course.